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How To Prepare for Botox: 6 Tips

Master the Art of Botox with These 6 Essential Tips for a Youthful Transformation!

How would you like to look years younger? Botox injections turn back the clock by erasing fine lines and wrinkles on your face. This treatment works with an FDA-approved purified toxin, called onabotulinumtoxinA, to temporarily paralyze facial muscles that contribute to wrinkles.

Here’s how to prepare for Botox in Mandeville at Northshore Skin Care & Med Spa

1. Pick the Right Provider

A great Botox experience starts with choosing the right provider. Don’t simply pick a clinic because it offers the lowest prices. Choose a provider with years of experience administering Botox safely.

Check out reviews of the provider to see what their patients have to say. If you’re impressed, call the clinic and ask questions.

Good questions to ask include:

  • How long have you been providing Botox?
  • Who will be performing the procedure?
  • What training and qualifications do they have?
  • Will I need follow-up treatments?
  • What happens if the procedure doesn’t work for me?

2. Choose the Best Time for Your Appointment

Most people have no problem resuming their normal activities after Botox, but you might prefer to schedule your appointment for a time when you can head home and relax afterward.

If you have any big events coming up, such as a vacation or wedding, it’s best to schedule Botox at least a few weeks beforehand. That’s because you may have some bruising after the procedure, and those bruises can take some time to fade.

3. Tell the Provider About Your Medications

If you take any prescription drugs or herbal supplements, tell your provider about them. Certain allergy medications, muscle relaxers, and blood thinners (such as ibuprofen and aspirin) may not interact well with Botox treatments. Your provider can advise you on how to temporarily stop medications that may interfere with Botox before the procedure.

4. Prep Your Face

If you’re curious about how to prepare for Botox, you might be pleased to know that Botox doesn’t require too much prep on your end. We do advise patients to drink plenty of water so they’re well hydrated before the procedure. It’s also smart to avoid fatty and sugary foods.

If you’re concerned about bruising, you can apply topical arnica before the procedure. Arnica has been shown to help minimize bruising and inflammation associated with Botox.

5. Know What To Avoid

If you smoke tobacco or drink alcohol, we advise you to cut back or stop before the procedure. Smoking prevents proper blood flow and oxygenation, which means it could take longer for you to heal. Additionally, smoking dehydrates you, so Botox may not work as well.

Alcohol triggers inflammation and causes blood vessels to expand. If you drink before the procedure, you put yourself at risk for more  bruising and a longer recovery time.

We also advise clients to avoid tanning beds and excess sun exposure, as we cannot treat burnt skin with Botox.

Don’t get any other cosmetic procedures before having Botox. They can cause swelling, and we can’t perform Botox until you’ve fully healed.

6. Understand Aftercare

After Botox, we recommend that you stay out of the sun and keep hydrated with lots of water. You should also avoid exercise and bending down for at least a few hours post-procedure. Exercise can cause blood to rush to your face, which may contribute to swelling and bruising.

If you’re bothered by swelling and pain, gently apply an ice pack to your face. You can also apply a post-injection serum that’s formulated to calm skin after cosmetic procedures.

Love How You Look With Our Botox Services

Ready to say hello to a brand-new you? If you don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror, our Botox treatments can help. Northshore Skin Care & Med Spa is a highly experienced med spa that proudly serves Covington, Mandeville, and nearby Louisiana cities. Our experts can answer all your questions, such as how to prepare for Botox and how to prevent bruising from dermal fillers.

To schedule your Botox appointment, call us at (985) 893-7700.

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